If you’re behind on your taxes or simply cannot pay what you owe, one thing you may want to look into is making an "offer in compromise" to the IRS. Using the Internal Revenue Service’s Offer in Compromise tool, you can see if you qualify to pay less than you owe on...
Working The Puzzle From All The Angles
Month: October 2020
Do you know the difference between tax avoidance and evasion?
On Behalf of Demetrius J. Karos, Ltd. | Oct 14, 2020 | Tax Law
The difference between the wage your employer pays you and your actual take-home income can be frustrating. Many people pay 20% or more of their average weekly income in various taxes. When it is time to file your tax return, it is normal and even reasonable to want...
When is it a good time to work with a tax attorney?
| Oct 1, 2020 | Tax Law
You want to stay on top of your federal income taxes to avoid the possibility of triggering an audit. Some indications that you may want to get in touch with your tax attorney include if: Your business is growing, so your tax returns are becoming more complex Your...
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